Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 6, Thing 13

To me "tagging" is so subjective that it makes it very inefficient. Of course, the generation gap that I am experiencing does not help either. However, I do find it interesting, and I like the idea of portable bookmarks. I will probably take more time in the future to go back and explore Del.icio.us more thoroughly.

I could not access the highly recommended Del.icio.us tutorial since it is still disabled, and the tinyurl.com/ynszc8 is not accessible from our work computer because we do not have macromedia flash player installed. I did visit the PLCMCL2 account to look around.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 5, Thing 12

For me, I would prefer to use "Favorites" on my computer, but I can see some advantages to Rollyo. At work, we cannot all list our favorites, therefore, we should have our own lists. I did check out some sites, and, when I have time, I'll probably look at it in the future.

This should bring up my "Dessert & Baking Ideas:


Friday, July 27, 2007

Week 5, Thing 11

Library Thing was easy to navigate. I added 10 books that I have enjoyed. If I have time, I may go back and include all of the books that I have read by some of my favorite authors. The following list is short because I did not want to take up a lot of room on my blog:

Week 5, Thing 10

Having "played around" with online generators, I did find one that would let me create and save an image. Yahoo Avatar would not help me because my computer has not been updated, therefore, I tried Meez. And what else would a Dessert Diva choose, but a great kitchen setting!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 4, Thing 9

I was introduced to Merlin at the Rural Library Sustainability Workshop in March. We skimmed over it then, so I took a deeper look this time. I checked out the calendars and the Gaming, Avatars and Virtual Worlds link hoping that some high tech information would rub off on me. I did subscribe to the RSS feed on the Merlin site.

I looked at Feedster for recipe sites. I liked the local flavor of Topix. In Technorati, I found 33,772 blog posts on baking recipes. I will definitely visit some of these again.

Week 4, Thing 8

I am glad that "RSS" stands for "Really Simple Syndication" since the reading about it took so long. Since I do not visit a lot of websites for my personal use every day, this was not of high interest to me. It was "interesting" to subscribe, and, who knows, I may actually use it. I added what was required.

Hopefully, I was able to provide the URL address to my public bloglines account:

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 3, Thing 7

I am crazy about pictures, both photos and video, of my family and our related activities. I have three cameras and I get everything on CD and the movies on DVD. But once I have them stored, I am hesitant to do anything with them. These exercises have convinced me that I need a technology update desperately instead of relying on my son, son-in-law and any unsuspecting friend or other person who happens to be in the area when I need help (Thanks, Ashley).

I am also curious about the new i-Phone. I have, up to this point, refused to carry a cell phone, but will do so when forced. However, my son was demonstrating his i-Phone and I must say that I was intrigued. I was surprised at the ease of access, but right now I know that I have a lot of basics to learn. At least this course is encouraging me to try new things!

Week 3, Thing 6

I enjoyed looking at these sites. I have so many pictures that need to be organized so that appeals to me. I also like the map feature. The color picker seems really useful for decorating. There is definitely a lot out there to explore. Interesting.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Week 3, Thing 5

I have just explored Flickr. Interesting, although I really don't have time to really get into it. I plan to see if I can post an image.
I tried to find a single photo to post, but they all seemed to be linked. I simply don't have the time to keep on trying, but I saw some neat photos. This link seemed okay for a dessert diva but I still am hesitant about posting a link. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained!
I decided to create a free account in Flickr and try to upload one of my own pictures. So here goes...

Sunset in St. Lucia

Amazing! With a little (lot) of help from my son-in-law, I managed to post this picture from our trip in January.
This has truly been a learning experience, and I still have much more to learn.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Week 2, Thing 4

I have registered (hopefully) my blog and tracked my progress in my log. I guess I'll find out soon if I did these things correctly!

Week 2, Thing 3

At last, I hope that I have done this successfully!

Week 1, Thing 2

The lifelong learner pointers are basically just common sense, or what you should have learned by the time you reach a certain (keeps changing) age. The easiest of the 7 1/2 habits is to begin with the end in mind. I know what I want to accomplish. The hardest habit is for me to view problems as challenges rather than frustrations. For example, this program is not as simple as presented, especially when we have to do it at work when we man the main (only) circulation/reference desk. I actually started reading about this two weeks ago, and I am still not sure that I will be able to do it correctly because it is so vague. However, I will do my best to finish on time, and hopefully learn a lot about Web 2.0

Week 1, Thing 1

I have read the blog several times and I hope that I can finally get started!